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Application of GLAD-PCR Assay for Study on DNA Methylation in Regulatory Regions of Some Tumor-Suppressor Genes in Lung Cancer

作者:N.A.Smetannikova; A.A.Evdokimov; N.A.N...lungneoplasmsdnamethylationdiagnosticsepigenetics

摘要:Hypermethylation of the gene regulatory regions are common for many cancer diseases. In this work we applied GLAD-PCR assay for identificating of the aberrantly methylated RCGY sites in the regulatory regions of some downregulated genes in tissue samples of lung cancer(LC). This list includes EFEMP1, EPHA5, HOXA5, HOXA9, LHX1, MYF6, NID2, OTX1, PAX9, RARB, RASSF1 A, RXRG, SIX6, SKOR1 and TERT genes. The results of DNA samples from 40 cancer and 25 normal lung tissues showed a good diagnostic potential of selected RCGY sites in regulatory regions of MYF6, SIX6, RXRG, LHX1, RASSF1 A and TERT genes with relatively high sensitivity(80.0 %) and specificity(88.0 %) of LC detection in tumor DNA.



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