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作者:吴其夏; 邱劲ecv304细胞生物医学药学医学实验

摘要:ECV304 was reported first in 1990 as a spontaneously-transformed and immortalized cell line derived from a Japanese HUVEC. S ubsequently, many studies validated that the ECV304 is a permanent endothelial cell line. It has been used widely as an endothelial cell model and an useful research tool in biomedicine and pharmacology. However, several distinct differences exist between ECV304 and HUVEC. Some studies even pointed out that ECV304 is not of HUVEC origin. According to the research data including ours, this reportedly endothelial-derived permanent human cell line ECV304 may be dedifferentiated towards an epithelial phenotype. It is therefore not an appropriate cell line to study endothelial cell biology. But cultured ECV304 cells can still be used as a model, tool or target in the pathophysiological and harmacological studies, depending on whether or not their functional expression or markers are suitable for the research work.



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