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The preventive effect of vaccine prophylaxis on severe respiratory syncytial virus infection:A meta-analysis

作者:Tongna Zhu Chuanlong Zhang Li Yu Jingx...respiratorysyncytialvaccineprophylax

摘要:Respiratory syncytial virus(RSV) is the key underlying cause of acute lower respiratory tract infection in infants; however, no licensed vaccine against RSV infection is currently available. This study was undertaken to assess the preventive effect of vaccine on RSV infection. In this metaanalysis, 1,792 published randomized clinical trials of RSV vaccines from Jan 1973 to Sep 2015 were examined. Among thirteen studies that met the inclusion criteria, eleven studies estimated the impact of RSV vaccines and four studies estimated the effect of adjuvants. The odds ratios(ORs) were 0.31(95% CI, 0.15–0.67) and 0.62(95% CI, 0.29–1.34), respectively. We found that RSV subunit vaccines can significantly reduce the incidence of RSV infection and that whether vaccination with adjuvant therapy was an effective strategy still remained to be studied. This analysis of the preventive effect of vaccines on RSV infection has direct applications for the prevention of RSV infections.



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