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Quantum entanglement transition in vertically coupledtwo single-electron quantum dots with charged impurity

作者:MANZhong-xiao; ZHANGZhan-jun半导体量子点量子纠缠态磁场隔点分离带电杂质

摘要:Effects of a charged impurity on the ground state of two vertically coupled identical single-electron quantum dots with and without applied magnetic field are investigated. In the absence of the magnetic field, the investigations of the charged impurity effect on the quantum entanglement (QE) in some low-lying states are carried out. It is found that, both the positive charged impurity (PCI) and the negative charged impurity (NCI)reduce the QE in the low-lying states under oonsideration except that the QE in the ground state is enhanced by the NCI. Additionally, in the domain of B from 0 Tesla to 15 Tesla, the ground state energy E, the ground state angular momentum L and the ground state QE entropy S are worked out. As far as the ground state are concerned, the PCI (NCI) blocks (induces) the angular momentum phase transition and the QE phase transition besides the known fact (i. e., the PCI/NCI decreases/increases the energy) in the magnetic field.



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