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Hypernuclear Spectroscopy with Stable Heavy Ion Beams and Rare-isotope Beams:HypHI Project at GSI and FAIR

作者:T.R. Saitohypernuclearspectroscopyheavyioncollisionbeam

摘要:he international HypHI collaboration proposes to perform hypernuclear spectroscopy with stable heavy ion beams and rare isotope beams at GSI and FAIR in order to study neutron and proton rich hypernuclei and to measure directly hypernuclear magnetic moments for the first time. The project is divided into four phases. In the first Phase 0 experiment,the feasibility of precise hypernuclear spectroscopy with heavy ion beams will be demonstrated by observing π-decay channels of 3ΛH,4ΛH and 5ΛHe with 6Li projectiles at 2 AGeV impinging on a 12C target. In the later Phases 1 through 3,studies of proton and neutron rich hypernuclei,direct measurements of hypernuclear magnetic moments and the spectroscopy of hypernuclei toward the nucleon drip-lines are planned.



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