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Mind the gaps!


摘要:<正>Thirty spokes made one by holes in a hub,By spaces joined for the wheel’s use.The usefulness of clay in shaping pots Comes from the hollow where the clay is not.Doors and windows in a house Are needed for their emptiness.So are we helped by what is not To use what is.Laotse The meaning of a message lies not in the way it is expressed,but in the way it is understood.Spoken or written words are just the‘spokes’.Understanding is created by the listener in the spaces between them.The ancient Chinese character for Listen(see the picture below)proves that this principle has been understood for centuries.Ear,eye,heart–hear,see,feel:everything we know begins with the learning of our senses.



《英语学习》(CN:11-1254/H)是一本有较高学术价值的大型月刊,自创刊以来,选题新奇而不失报道广度,服务大众而不失理论高度,颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《英语学习》杂志在广大英语学习者心中享有盛誉。杂志主办单位北京外国语大学是教育部直属的全国重点院校之一,是我国外语院校中历史最悠久、语种最多的高等院校。 校内众多知名教授组成了我们的专家团队,作为一本英语教育杂志,其权威性是不容置疑的。
