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Systems Immunology Enabled Immune Engineering

作者:Ning; Jenny; Jiangsystemsimmunologyenabledimmuneengineering

摘要:The immune checkpoint blockade has revolutionized cancer treatment.However,not all cancer types are susceptible to this therapy.Even in melanoma,one of the best scenario,about half of the patients do not respond to immune checkpoint blockade.Since CD8+T cell is the main driving force behind cancer elimination,then having a complete and competent T cell repertoire to cover all possible cancer antigens expressed by cancer cells should be a determining factor to the success of this therapy.Conversely,if there are'holes'in patients’T cell repertoire and/or'weak spots'manifested as functional dysregulation or exhaustion on T cells specific to a set of cancer antigens that dominantly expressed by cancer cells,cancer immune escape is inevitable.However,these two types of cancer immune escape might need different treatment strategies:the first group with'holes'in the T cell repertoire,whether the'holes'are taking on a form of missing T cells to cover these cancer antigens or missing high-affinity TCRs that are known to be more sensitive to antigen stimulation,would be benefited from TCR re-directed adoptive cell transfer(ACT)therapy;the other group with T cell repertoire'weak spots'would be benefited from immune checkpoint blockade alone or in combination with additional stimulatory factors such as cytokines and peptide vaccine.In the past decade,we have developed several tools to profile the T cell repertoire from T cell receptor diversity to T cell receptor affinity to high-throughput linking antigen specificity to single T cell receptor sequences in large scale.In this talk,I will first introduce these tools and then give examples on how we use them to answer some of the fundamental questions in systems immunology with a focus on cancer immunology,which in turn help us design new therapeutics immune engineering.



《医用生物力学》(CN:31-1624/R)是一本有较高学术价值的大型双月刊,自创刊以来,选题新奇而不失报道广度,服务大众而不失理论高度。颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《医用生物力学》主要刊登交流我国学者在生物力学研究中取得的成果和部分国外专家的论文。着重刊登对科研与临床实践有指导意义的论著,同时还开辟综述、讲座、经验交流、研究简报、专题讨论等专栏。内容充实,反映了中国生物力学的研究动向和成果。
