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Organization and Ultra-Structural Components of Endothelial Surface Glycocalyx Revealed by Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy(STORM)

作者:Jie; Fan; Yi; Sun; Yifan; Xia; John; M...organizationcomponentsendothelialsurfaceglycocalyxrevealedopticalreconstructionmicroscopystorm

摘要:Introduction The endothelial cells(ECs)lining every blood vessel wall constantly expose to the mechanical forces generated by the blood flow.The EC responses to these hemodynamic forces play a critical role in the homeostasis of the circulatory system.In addition to forming a transport barrier between the blood and vessel wall,vascular ECs play important roles in regulating circulation functions.Besides biochemical stimuli,blood flow induced(hemodynamic)mechanical stimuli,such as shear stress,pressure and circumferential stretch,modulate EC morphology and functions by activating mechanosensors,signaling pathways,and gene and protein expressions.The EC responses to the hemodynamic forces(mechano-sensing and transduction)are critical to maintaining normal vascular functions.Failure in the mechano-sensing and transduction leads to serious vascular diseases including hypertension,atherosclerosis,aneurysms and thrombosis,to name a few[1].On the luminal surface of our blood vessels,there is a thin layer called endothelial surface glycocalyx(ESG)which consists of proteoglycans,glycosaminoglycans(GAGs)and glycoproteins.The GAGs in the ESG are heparan sulfate(HS),hyaluronic acid(HA),chondroitin sulfate(CS),and sialic acid(SA)[2].In order to play important roles in vascular functions,such as being a mechanosensor and transducer for the endothelial cells(ECs)to sense the blood flow,a molecular sieve to maintain normal microvessel permeability and a barrier between the circulating cells and endothelial cells forming the vessel wall,the ESG should have an organized structure at the molecular level.Due to the limitations of optical and electron microscopy,the ultra-structure and organization of ESG has not been revealed until recent development of a super high resolution fluorescence optical microscope,STORM(Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy).The diffraction of a single fluorescence molecule can be described as the point spread function(PSF).When the light of wavelengthλexcites the fluorophore(emitter),the intensit



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