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Improving the Corrosion Resistance of ZEK100 Magnesium Alloy by Combining High-Pressure Torsion Technology with Hydroxyapatite Coating

作者:Qite; Li; Wenbo; Ye; Hong; Gao; Lilan;...torsionsurfacemodificationcorrosionresistance

摘要:Recently,magnesium and its alloys have attracted more and more attention as promising implant materials due to their excellent properties such as good biocompatibility,biodegradation,non-toxicity and comparable mechanical properties with natural bone.They can be gradually degraded and absorbed so as to avoid the second surgery for implants removal after the tissues are healed completely.In addition,they are also able to prevent the stress shielding effect in human body environment because of the density,elastic modulus and yield strength of magnesium closer to the bone.Unfortunately,the high corrosion rate which causes early mechanical failure of the implants in physiological environment limits the widespread use of magnesium alloys for clinical application in biology.And the high corrosion process usually causes huge hydrogen evolution and alkalinization,resulting in problems against the implants as well as the surrounding tissues.In order to enhance the corrosion resistance of magnesium alloys,in this study,the ZEK100 magnesium alloy was pre-deformed with a highpressure torsion(HPT)process and then fabricated hydroxyapatite(HA)coatings with different contents of Mg(OH)2 nanopowder via hydrothermal method.The specimens were characterized by scanning electron microscope(SEM)and X-ray diffraction(XRD).At the same time,prior and after the HPT procedure,the metallography,microhardness and tensile tests of specimens were characterized.Meanwhile,the corrosion behavior of the specimens was evaluated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS)and hydrogen evolution tests.And the interface bonding strength of the HA coating on the magnesium alloy substrate was evaluated by a tape adhesion test/scratch test.Results showed that HPT processing refined the grain size and introduced a great number of twins,resulting in the enhancement of microhardness and Young’s modulus of ZEK100 magnesium alloy,but hardness values at the edge were higher than those at the center due to the uneven shear strain.At the same conditions,the



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