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3D Bio-Printed Glioblastoma-Vascular Niche Models

作者:Vivian; KLee; Hongyan; Zou; Roland; Fr...gbmnichemodels

摘要:Introduction Glioblastoma multiforme(GBM),a malignant brain tumor,is highly invasive and use brain microvessels to migrate and invade.Studying the perivascular invasion/migration of GBM may enable new possibilities in GBM therapy.However,the lack proper 3D study models that recapitulate GBM hallmarks restricts investigating cell-cell/cell-molecular interactions in tumor microenvironments.In this study,we created GBM-vascular niche models through 3D bioprinting [1-2] using patient-derived GBM cells with sternness(GSC:glioblastoma stem cells),vasculature endothelial cells(ECs),mural cells,and various hydrogels.Materials and methods Three GBM-vascular models were designed:Model A with large vessels and GBM spheroid;Model B with large-and micro-vessels,and GBM spheroid;Model C with large-and micro-vessels and scattered GBM cells.Large channels were created by sacrificial bioprinting.Microvessel network was formed through self-assembly of ECs(HUVEC or brain EC)and mural cells(fibroblast,pericytes,and/or astrocytes).Three GBM cell types were used in the study:SD02 and SD03 are GSCs;U87MG is a commercially-available GBM cell line.Collagen type I or fibrin hydrogel have been used as major scaffold materials.For drug treatment,Temozolomide in culture medium was perfused through large vasculatures in Model A.Results and discussion Three different GBM-vascular models were successfully fabricated and culture for 2-10.GSCs cultured in these models maintained sternness and heterogeneity during the long-term cultures.In Model A,GSCs actively invaded into the surrounding tissues(~Day26),initially regressed in response to the drug(~Day50),then developed therapeutic resistance and resumed aggressive invasion(~Day57).In Model B and C,three GBM types presented distinctive invasion patterns and EC-interactions.SD02 cells showed a spiky invasion pattern with elongated morphology.SD03 cells showed a more dispersed invasion pattern with many single cell migrations towards surrounding microvessels.U87MG cells showed a blunt invasion patt



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