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Image-Based Modeling for Atherosclerotic Coronary Plaque Progression and Vulnerability Research

作者:Rui; Lv; Liang; Wang; Dalin; Tangivusoctcoronaryplaquevulnerable

摘要:China Cardiovascular Disease Report 2017(Summary)pointed out that at present,cardiovascular diseases(CVD)account for the highest number of deaths among urban and rural residents.In the middle or later stages of atherosclerosis,the plaques become increasingly unstable with high chance to rupture,which may lead acute death from coronary heart diseases.Medical imaging and image-based computational modeling have been used in recent years to quantify ather-osclerotic plaque morphological and biomechanical characteristics and predict the coronary plaque growth and rupture processes.Analyzing the vulnerability of plaques effectively could lead to better patient screening strategies and enable physicians to adopt timely and necessary intervention or conservative treatment.Earlier investigations of vulnerable plaques were mostly based on histopathological data.With the accumulation of experience in pathology and the gradual enrichment of autopsy materials,the criteria for the diagnosis of vulnerable plaques appeared in 2001,mainly manifested as the necrotic lipid nuclei,fibrous caps that are infiltrated by a large number of macrophages,and fibrous cap thickness less than 65μm.Because of the obvious importance of the thin fibrous cap in the study of plaque vulnerability,it has been a focus of attention by many investigations.Watson,M.G.et al.are concerned about the formation of early fibrous caps in recent years.The presentation of local maximum stress on plaque further confirmed the importance of thin fibrous cap.The development of medical images has greatly promoted the study of coronary atherosclerosis.Compared with autopsy ex vivo,medical image could provide plaque data under in vivo conditions and greatly promote the study of coronary atherosclerosis.Huang XY et al.used ex vivo magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)to study the relationship between plaque wall stress(PWS)and death caused by coronary artery disease.Due to technical limitations and the accessibility of the coronary artery in the body,MRI is not widely used fo



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