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Mechanoresponsive Gene Upregulation by Force Depends on H3K9Demethylation

作者:Junwei; Chen; Jian; Sun; Erfan; Mohagh...geneupregulationforcedependsh3k9demethylation

摘要:All living cells in a human body are made of the same DNA molecule but cells in different tissues express different genes and proteins.How the transcription process is controlled and regulated is largely unknown.Specifically,mechanical forces are increasingly recognized to play critical roles in cell and tissue functions.However,what controls force-induced gene transcription is elusive.Recently we have reported that a local surface force transfers from integrins to the cytoskeleton and the link of nucleoskeleton and the cytoskeleton(LINC)into the nucleus and deforms chromatin directly to induce rapid activation of transgene DHFR.Here we show that endogenous mechanoresponsive genes egr-1 and Cav1 are rapidly upregulated and their upregulation depends on stress angles relative to the cell long axis,suggesting direct impact of these genes by force.Demethylation of histone 3 at lysine 9(H3K9)trimethylation(H3K9me3)at nuclear interiors(euchromatin)is necessary for force-induced transcription upregulation.Our findings suggest that force-rapid upregulation of mechanoresponsive genes by force depends on H3K9me3 demethylation.



《医用生物力学》(CN:31-1624/R)是一本有较高学术价值的大型双月刊,自创刊以来,选题新奇而不失报道广度,服务大众而不失理论高度。颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《医用生物力学》主要刊登交流我国学者在生物力学研究中取得的成果和部分国外专家的论文。着重刊登对科研与临床实践有指导意义的论著,同时还开辟综述、讲座、经验交流、研究简报、专题讨论等专栏。内容充实,反映了中国生物力学的研究动向和成果。
