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Mapping the Piconewton Cellular Forces and its Applications in Diagnosis and Therapy

作者:Benhui; Hupiconewtoncellularforcesapplicationstherapy

摘要:Mechanical forces produced from cells regulate cell functions and fate for tissue development and regeneration.Knowledge in mechanobiology thus provides new strategy for diagnosis and prosthetics.In our work,we develop a platform which could precisely detect cellular traction force with resolution of 100 pN,enabling quantification of chemotherapy at early stage,re-epithelialization and cell collision.Additionally,a better solution for antimicrobial dressing managing infection has been provided by modifying the surface to enable both the disruption on biofilm and the elimination of engaged planktonic bacteria.Mechanobiological study demonstrated our dual-function surface remains harmless to host mammalian cells during thermalablation.Our design could pave the way further for creating soft miniaturized medical robots that defend our living system via safe interaction down to cellular level.



《医用生物力学》(CN:31-1624/R)是一本有较高学术价值的大型双月刊,自创刊以来,选题新奇而不失报道广度,服务大众而不失理论高度。颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《医用生物力学》主要刊登交流我国学者在生物力学研究中取得的成果和部分国外专家的论文。着重刊登对科研与临床实践有指导意义的论著,同时还开辟综述、讲座、经验交流、研究简报、专题讨论等专栏。内容充实,反映了中国生物力学的研究动向和成果。
