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A Mechanoelectrical Coupling Model of Neurons under Stretching

作者:Jin; Tian; Guoyou; Huang; Min; Lin; Ji...biomechanicselectrophysiologymodelcabletheoryneuronalinjury

摘要:Introduction Neurons are situated in a microenvironment composed of various biochemical and biophysical cues,where stretching is thought to have a major impact on neurons.For instance,during a moderate traumatic brain impact,the injury region in axons exhibits significant longitudinal strain;and in a rat model of spinal cord injury,the most severe axonal injury is located in the largest strain region.Stretching may result in microstructural changes in neural tissue and further leading to abnormal electrophysiological function.Hence,it is of great importance to understand the coupled mechanoelectricalbehaviors of neurons under stretching.In spite of significant experimental efforts,the underlying mechanism remains elusive,more works are needed to provide a detailed description of the process that leads to the observed phenomena.Mathematical modeling is a powerful tool that offers a quantitative description of the underlying mechanism of an observed biological phenomenon,including mechanical and electrophysiological behaviors of neurons.Thus,we developed a mechanoelectrical coupling model of neurons under stretching in this study.Mathematical model The mathematical model consists of three submodels,i.e.,the mechanical submodel,the mechanoelectrical coupling submodel and the electrophysiological submodel.The mechanical submodel deals with the relationship between stretching and the deformation of axons,which has specially considered the plastic deformation of axons.The electrophysiological submodel characterizes the feature of neuronal action potential(AP),which is based on the classical H-H model and the cable theory.The mechanoelectrical coupling submodel links the mechanical and electrophysiological submodels through strain-induced equivalent circuit parameter alteration and ion channel injury.Besides,we have discussed a more general deformation condition,where an expanded model coupling the axonal deformation and electrophysiology alteration was explored.As the most essential parameters in an electrophysiologica



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