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Endocytosis and Vesicular Transport of Plasmid DNA in Cells During Electric Field-Mediated Gene Delivery

作者:Fan; Yuanendocytosisvesiculartransportplasmiddnacellsduringelectricgenedelivery

摘要:Pulsed electric field has been used widely as a nonviral approach to improving gene delivery in basic and translational research[1-2].The technique has been called electrotransfection(ET),electroporation,electrogene transfer,and gene electroinjection in the literature [1,3].It has a great potential to improve clinical treatment of diseases through delivery of vaccines and therapeutic genes,genome and epigenome editing,and generation of human induced pluripotent stem cells for tissue engineering[1-3].During ET,extracellular transport of plasmid DNA(pDNA)relies on electrophoresis,which is critical for applications in vivo.However,mechanisms of intracellular transport remain to be understood.The lack of understanding has hindered the translation of ET technology to the clinic.It is well known that pulsed electric field can generate transient hydrophilic pores in the plasma membrane(i.e.,electroporation)that permit membrane-impermeant molecules to enter cells.Although the pores have yet to be visualized directly under a microscope,the electric field-induced membrane permeabilization has been demonstrated through experimental measurements of electrical conductance of synthetic lipid membranes and plasma membranes,direct observation of fluorescent markers crossing the membranes facing both cathode and anode,and numerical simulations of the membrane permeabilization[1,3].Results from the simulations have predicted that the cutoff size of the pores is on the order of a few hundred nanometers,and the lifetime of the pores that are larger than 100 nm is on the order of 10 msec.Although these data provide a solid evidence of the membrane permeabilization,recent studies have demonstrated that the generation of the pores is insufficient for ET[1,4].The reasons are as follows.First,the lifetime of the pores is several orders of magnitude shorter than the time scale for pDNA uptake,which is on the order of 10 min.Second,complex formation between pDNA and plasma membrane is a necessary condition for successful gene transfer.Thir



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