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The Hemodynamic Study on the Effects of Entry Tear and Coverage in Aortic Dissection

作者:Zhenxia; Mu; Xiaofei; Xue; Minrui; Fu;...computationalfluidaorticdissectionhemodynamictevar

摘要:Nowadays,cardiovascular disease has gradually become the number one killer of human health.The Stanford type-A aortic dissection is a relatively common cardiovascular disease with potential hazards.The disease is caused by a partialtearing of the aortic intima.Thoracic endovascular aortic repair(TEVAR)is one of the most effective treatment for type A aortic dissection and has been widely used clinically to achieve thrombosis and reduce pressure by covering the incision tear in the FL.However,the effect of entry tear location on type-A aortic dissection and the prognosis of TEVAR intervention are unclear.In this work,the hemodynamic effects of the type-A aortic dissection in different entry and covering entry tear position were mainly studied.It can provide a new method or idea in the field of the aortic dissection hemodynamics,which is of great significance to provide a basic theoretical research on the development of aortic dissection in the aspect of clinical judgment.Two type-A aortic dissection models with different entry tear positions(Model 1:the entry tear was located at the entrance of the ascending aorta,Model 2:the entry tear was located at the starting position of the descending aorta)were reconstructed according to the computed tomography(CT)images of the patients.In our study,the thoracic aortic endovascular repair was simulated by covering the entry tear(Model 3).Then,the semi-automatic adaptive technology HyperMeshl0.0(Altair HyperWorks,Troy,Ml,USA)mesh generator was used to generate the high-quality tetrahedral 3D mesh.To clarify the hemodynamic effects of entry tear and coverage in aortic blood flow pattern,the comparative study on the true lumen(TL)and false lumen(FL)blood flow patterns of three models were carried out numerically(the time-dependent pulsatile waveform of pressure boundary conditions used at the aortic inlet were consistent with Rapezzis’s work,time-dependent pulsatile waveform of velocity at the descending aorta outlet and the time-dependent pulsatile waveform of pressure at t



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