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Mechano-Chemical Regulation of VWF-A Activity in Flow

作者:Jinhua; Fang; Jiangguo; Lin; Xiaozhong...vwfactivationrelationmechanochemicalcouplingflowchamber

摘要:Von Willebrand Factor(VWF),a multimeric plasma glycoprotein,is synthesized in endothelial cells and megakaryocytes.In adhesion and aggregation of circulating platelets towards to the sites of vascular injury,VWF captures and activates the circulating platelets through interaction with platelet GPlba.As a triplet complex of A1A2A3,the VWF-A domain is a closed conformation with a low affinity to GPlba,but mutations or pathological hemodynamic environment of high fluid shear stress can induce the closed A domain to become an extended one.However,the key events in the force-and/or mutation-induced activation of VWF-A under flows remains unclear.Therefore,with techniques of AFM and PPFC,we here examined transformation of conformation and function of VWF-A under various wall shear stresses,for understanding regulation of force on VWF-A activation.Interesting,AFM scanning imaging data showed that VWF-A molecules on substrate pretreated by perfusing distilled water at various wall shear stresses shortened first and then lengthened as increasing of the pre-loaded wall shear stress,and the threshold of the wall shear stress is about 100 dyn/cm2,demonstrating that increasing pre-loaded wall shear stress would make the treated-A1A2A3 conformation gradually transform from a loose spherical structure to a compact one first and then become an open or extended one.The adhesion frequency of GPlba-coated Polystyrene microspheres(3-μm radius)on the VWF-A-coated substrates decreased first and then increased with the preloaded wall shear stress,which has a same threshold mentioned above.These results suggested that,force-induced activation of VWF-A occurs just at high wall shear stresses(>100 dyn/cm2).The mechanical stability of the closed A1A2A3 conformation would be weakened by the gain of function(GOF)mutant R1 308 L of A1 and enhanced by the loss of function(LOF)mutant G1324S,as it should be.To further reveal the molecular mechanism of the force-induced enhancing or weakening of VWF-A activation,we performed AFM experiment to in



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