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Three-dimensional finite element study of anterior transpedicular screw-artificial vertebral fixation in lower cervical spine

作者:Weidong Wu Peidong Sun Chun Chen Chang...screwvertebralspinefixationvolunteerintactrotationgreesbodyaxial

摘要:Objective Biomechanical properties of the anterior cervical pedicle screw artificial vertebral system and conventional anterior screw plate system were analyzed in lower cervical spine by finite element.Methods CT images were obtained from a 38-year-old female volunteer.Following models were established and analyzed by Mimics14.0,Geomagic Studio 2013,ANSYS 14.0 software:the intact cervical model(C3-C7),corpectomy of C5 model,the model of conventional anterior screw plate system fixation(AP),and the model of anterior transpedicular screw artificial vertebral body sys-



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