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Production-Oriented Approach to IELTS Writing Task 2

作者:LIU; Fu-lan; DENG; Zhong-meipoaieltswritingtask2

摘要:International English Language Testing System(IELTS)writing has always been a great pain for the Chinese test-takers since they have different thinking pattern from foreigners and lack the ability of logical expression.Although there has been much research about IELTS writing,few studies view it as a major form of productive outputs.In addition,some teaching problems do exist in a vast number of IELTS training institutions.The production-oriented approach(POA)has been developed for over 10 years by Wen Qiufang,which mainly focuses on English instruction in China.Now it has become a relatively complete and mature theory and is applied in teaching English as a second or foreign language(ESL or EFL)classrooms.However,little attention of POA has been given to the IELTS writing.This paper explores the application of POA to IELTS writing pedagogy in a hope to provide test-takers a better understanding about IELTS Writing Task 2 and help them improve IELTS writing performance.



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