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The Global Circular Diaspora in Mo Yan’s Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out

作者:WANG; Ganglifeanddeatharewearingmeoutcirculardiasporathemoon

摘要:The 2012 Nobel Prize winner in Literature,Chinese writer Mo Yan,describes the 50 years history of Chinese countryside from 1950 to 2000 in his masterpiece Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out.By the six artistic images of the innocent killing landlord’s reincarnation as a donkey,an ox,a pig,a dog,a monkey,and a big head baby boy,it focuses on the topic of the land.It explains that all the relationships between the peasants and the land,and shows the changes in the life of Chinese peasants and their tenacious,optimistic and tough spirit since the foundation of the New China.By analyzing the unique plot of the six great divisions in the wheel of karma and the hero’s mental journey,it can be found that the theme of the novel is to reveal a global circular diaspora with the moon,rather than the sun as the center of the circle,which is quite different from the real world.



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