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Thirteen Ways of Looking at A Blackbird: Deconstruction of Binary Opposition Between Imagination and Reality

作者:SHI; Xuanwallacestevensimaginationrealitydeconstructionthirteenwaysoflookingatablackbird

摘要:Wallace Stevens is one of five greatest poets in America in 20th century. The relation between imagination and reality is a major theme of his poems. He holds the view that the mission of poets is to build a bridge linking the world of imagination and of reality with the result of deconstructing the logic of binary opposition since the time of Plato. Thirteen Ways of Looking at A Blackbird is a representative poem that expresses Wallace’s thoughts of deconstruction. This article is to probe into how the poet establishes the reality dominated by imagination and then how he deconstructs the binary opposition between imagination and reality since the time of Plato.



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