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Innovation in Teaching:The Relativity of Educational Values in Vocational Training

作者:Euphrosyne; Efthimiadourelativityofeducationalvalueshierarchyinnovationinteachingpromotestrategiesvocationaltraining

摘要:In the socio-professional environment,the existence of values proves to be essential to the individual in order to live in harmony.It is by the search of oneself that you discover the world around you.Under this aspect,the philosophy of education can contribute to the conveyance of a decisive reflection on the impact of the educator’s mission on the people who are taught.On the one hand,the relativity of values puts into question their universal dimension,since they diversify in place and time according to different eras but also to different customs of each country.In this case,what is the finality of education and learning in relation to cultural diversification with regard to innovation in teaching?On the other hand,the educator’s personality plays a considerable and effective role in motivating his/her target group to seek out the higher and universal values and disseminate the principles of citizenship.Lastly,with regard to vocational training,the introduction of diversified pedagogical approaches as well as the adoption of learning strategies will enable the Educator to act in full knowledge and awareness of his action while being preoccupied in the management of the pedagogical process.His/her effective intervention will offer the opportunity to the group members to create synergies,in order to develop their unexploited potential and achieve a high level of awareness through the development of their personality.



《艺术研究》(CN:23-1529/J)是一本有较高学术价值的大型双月刊,自创刊以来,选题新奇而不失报道广度,服务大众而不失理论高度。颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《艺术研究》办刊宗旨为:坚持正确舆论导向,面向全国艺术类高校及艺术界人士,突出学术性,为艺术理论研究、艺术创作、艺术教学提供探讨平台。
