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Using Information in Archives

作者:Mariana; Borcomansourceslegislationdigitalizationprocessingfreeaccess

摘要:The information to be found in archives is generically called documents and these may take the form of:manuscripts,protocols,contracts,an individual’s or institution’s memoirs,photos,or maps.It can be accessed in archives and that falls under European or national legislation.The digitalization of archives is nowadays’trend and that allows for both quick access to information and its preservation in classical form.The transparency of archives is ensured via the opportunities granted to researchers to quickly find the information they need and multiply it.For archives to be studied by all those who take an interest in them it is mandatory to guarantee their right preservation and processing.Unfortunately,many archives in Romania do not respect the preservation conditions and hence some of the valuable documents,especially from the medieval period,can no longer be saved.This article focuses on the digitalization of archives and the conditions that have to be upheld in using documentary information.The analysis and interpretation of some documents in the archives along with the technique I employ lead to a manner of work that can be applied to other documents,as well,and thus,might prove useful for other researchers.



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