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A Typological Investigation into L2 Chinese“Prepositional Phrase-verb”Word Order Acquisition

作者:DING; Xue-huanordertypologyl1transfertargetlanguagefactoruniversalprinciple

摘要:The study,using an interlanguage corpus,investigates how international students in China acquire“prepositional phrase-verb”word order.It found that students whose mother tongue features VO and OV word order mostly produce pre-placement structure of“prepositional phrase+verb”,which is similar to Chinese word order and hence reflects an overt influence of the target language.However,when producing post-placement structure of“verb+prepositional phrase”,VO type L1 speaking students slightly outnumber those OV type L1 speaking students,which indicates limited influence of L1 transfer.In addition,other factors such as the relator principle and the temporal iconicity principle also exert certain influence on the word order acquisition of“prepositional phrase-verb”structure.



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