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18th-century British Women Poets’ Patriotic Voices

作者:CHEN; Jin-jinbritishwomenpoetspatrioticvoicesnationalidentity

摘要:Right from the beginning to the end of the 18th-century,a large number of British women poets stepped out as outright and eloquent patriots.Through celebration,persuasion,and protest with their poems,18th-century British women poets voiced out their patriotism,especially in their promotion of the British national identity by building up national confidence,constructing national ideals,and bringing the national ideals closer together with the actual practices during national crises in the War of American Independence,anti-slavery activism,and the French Revolution.The majority of their patriotic poems got published in the 18th-century.Their patriotic voices,especially those of their vigorous construction of the British national identity,have been largely neglected and therefore should be fully acknowledged since that identity they helped to promote remains a key issue for the British even today.



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