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Evolution of“Hao(好)+Adjective Phrase”and Affirmative Construction“Hao(好)+Bu(不)+Adjective Phrase”in Modern Chinese

作者:WANG; Huaredundantnegativecontext

摘要:With the development of language,the range of adjective phrases that can be placed in“hao(好)+AP”and affirmative construction“hao(好)+bu(不)+AP”in modern Chinese is continuously expanding.This paper proves through investigation on network language and spoken language that an increasing number of adjectives can be placed in“hao(好)+AP”and affirmative construction“hao(好)+bu(不)+AP”,and there is a growing acceptance of“hao(好)+AP”.This paper attributes this phenomenon to the following reasons.Firstly,Chinese southern dialects have a growing influence on modern spoken Chinese,leading to an increased acceptance of“hao(好)+AP”and negative construction“hao(好)+bu(不)+AP”.Secondly,whether the“hao(好)+bu(不)+AP”construction is affirmative or negative largely depends on the context.In a fixed context,there is a higher acceptance of AP in the affirmative and negative“hao(好)+bu(不)+AP”constructions.Thirdly,influenced by the Principle of Least Effort in spoken language,the speakers and receivers of spoken dialogues tend to believe“what they hear is what they get”.As a result,the“hao(好)+AP”is used more frequently in expressing affirmative meanings.



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