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艺术研究 2018年第09期杂志 文档列表

The Biophobia of Satan’s Bunny: The Influence of Horror Films in Contemporary Brazilian Literature第1301-1312页
关键词: 文学;  巴西;  恐怖电影;  兔子;  圣地亚哥;  学术批评;  生产;  媒介;  
Illusory Control: Female’s Sexuality and Male’s Fantasy in The Changeling第1313-1322页
关键词: 女性;  男性;  控制;  瓜;  托马斯;  身体;  方法学;  操作;  
Frontier and Urban Writing in Moon Palace第1323-1328页
关键词: 城市;  宫殿;  月亮;  作品;  美国历史;  文明;  神话;  
Discovery of the Exquisite Meaning of the Word “chudu” in Chinese Poetry of the Adherents of a Former Dynasty第1329-1341页
关键词: 中国;  优美;  文化生活;  生日;  lan;  部长;  上下文;  碰撞;  
The Conversational Implicature in Sense and Sensibility -A CP Perspective第1342-1348页
关键词: 敏感;  cp;  婚姻生活;  对话;  人物;  报纸;  
A Study on the Word Formation of Noun-Classifier Compound Words第1349-1356页
关键词: 名词;  量词;  复合;  分类器;  混合物;  复杂性;  位置;  词素;  
Peripheral Realities: Visual Artists in Cebu, Philippines第1357-1363页
关键词: 视觉艺术;  艺术家;  菲律宾;  生态学模型;  半结构化;  艺术创造;  创造者;  方法论;  
Teaching Business English Course: Incorporating Portfolio Assessment-based Blended Learning and MOOC第1364-1369页
关键词: 学习模型;  评价;  路线;  英语;  企业;  教学;  合并;  资源集成;  
Drama for Language Learning to Adult Learners Through Co-generative Dialogues第1370-1377页
关键词: 语言学习;  戏剧;  生产;  对话;  成年;  相互作用;  通过性能;  激发性;  
Interculturality and Socio-Linguistic Identity in the Learning of English and Spanish in Mexico第1378-1383页
关键词: 西班牙语;  语言学;  墨西哥;  英语;  社会;  教学方法;  教育学;  文化;  
Semantic Features of Kinship Terminology in Modern Chinese Language第1384-1391页
关键词: 语义特征;  语言;  术语;  中国;  哈萨克;  
Structure Types and Discourse Function of N+N Nominal Sentence in Mandarin Chinese第1392-1399页
关键词: 组织类型;  句子;  结构类型;  信息结构;  种类;  文学;  显示;  文本;  
On the Cultural Untranslatability in Chinese-English Literary Translation第1400-1405页
关键词: 语言文化;  翻译;  文学;  eugene;  社会文化;  宗教文化;  语言学;  
Seasonal Mythologies in the Lyrics of Cowboy Junkies第1406-1412页
关键词: 吸毒者;  季节;  民歌;  牛仔;  神话;  迈克尔;  冬季;  参考书;  
The Psychological Causes and Identification of the Destructive Cult Belief第1413-1421页
关键词: 心理学;  原因;  鉴定;  宗教信仰;  世界范围;  稳定性;  信心;  类似;