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The Sense of Flow of L1 Audience for L2 Composition——A Pedagogical Implication from Cross-Pacific Exchange to the Teaching of English Writing

作者:DU; Yin-yinsenseofflowreaderaudienceenglishwritingexchange

摘要:The present study focuses on the native readers’sense of flow,a construct frequently ignored in L2 writing studies.Based on the author’s analysis of the communicative data in the web-based transnational peer editing activities named Cross-Pacific Exchange,an amendment is proposed for the currently well-accepted“input-output”models;that is,fluent output by classroom L2 learners may not always be accepted by native audience.Accordingly,L2 writing teachers should encourage their students to pay attention to their L1 readers’sense of flow,so as to enhance their own reader awareness,and improve the quality of their L2 composition through interaction with their L1 audience.



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