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主管单位:哈尔滨师范大学  主办单位:哈尔滨师范大学

人气 24422

艺术研究 2018年第02期杂志 文档列表

Graphic Novels as Self-Conscious Contemplative Metatexts: Redefining Comics and Participating in Theoretical Discourse第181-189页
Harmony in Shakespeare第190-199页
Mimis Souliotis: A Poet with Balkan Historical Coordinates第200-209页
Andrei Tarkovsky's Imaginary: Word, Silence, and Meaning第210-215页
The Mediator. Richard III and Macbeth in Einar MurGudmundsson' s Novel Angels of the Universe第216-221页
The Despair in Hemingway's "In Another Country"第222-226页
Lazarillo de Tormes and Rhetorical Paradox第227-232页
Simple Remarks of The True Story of Ah Q and Chi Pheo第233-238页
Applied Analysis of Social Criticism Theory on the Base of Russian Literary Works第239-248页
Frankenstein and the Gothic Sublime第249-256页
The Dilemma of Global Capitalism and Ethical Reflection in Transmission第257-263页
The Idea of the Feminine Beauty in the Italian Merchant Treaties of the XV Century第264-275页
The Influence of Greek Literature and Culture in the Naim Frasheri's Poem "0 Eros"第276-281页
Father's Character Analysis in Dangal第282-287页
Actresses, Gender, and 1920s Theater in China: A Discussion Concerning "Female Involvement in Art Performances"第288-294页