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Reminiscences of Tsingtao (Excerpt)

作者:Liang; Shih-ch'in; Trans; 军厚travelforgettruly

摘要:Although I was bom and bred in Peiping',I have never regarded it as the best place to call my home.This once prosperous and elegant city has gone through untold vicissitudes over the years,falling into decline and vulgarity and even into depravity;few traces of its former self are now recognizable.Whilst I do not claim to have travelled far and wide in my life,I have been to a dozen or so provinces across China,from Liaoning in the far North to Baiyue2 in the South.Tsingtao of Shantung Province among those,in my eyes,truly tops the list of the most unforgettable places to visit.



