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Respecting The Old

作者:刘宇杰; 谢文芳(指导)acupuncture艾条stick

摘要:China is a country with the virtue(美德)of respecting the old.We have a special festival called Double Ninth Festival(重阳节).It's a festival for caring for(关爱)the old people.I respect the old,too.One day,I found my grandpa's shoulders hurt a bit.So I took out an acupuncture pot(针灸罐)at once.I was happy to help my grandpa.First,I lighted the moxa stick(艾条)with a match.Then,I put the stick into a pot.W hen the pot was hot,I let my grandpa lie on the bed.I moved the pot on his back.About two hours later,my grandpa felt better.Now my grandpa never feels painful again.



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