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Ramsey Numbers

作者:su; ya; xinramseytheoremmutual

摘要:I.Introduction Ramsey’s theorem is a foundational result in combinatorics.The first version of this result was proved by F.P.Ramsey.And the Ramsey theorem is a branch of is a branch of mathematics that studies the unavoidable regularity in large structures(the definition above came from Gould,Martin.“Ramsey Theory.”Ramsey Theory,2010).Or in other words,complete disorder is impossible.A famous problem could be in any class of six or more people,there are at least three mutual friends or three mutual strangers if every pair of them are either friends or not friends.Which is provable by the Ramsey Theorem.And through the last century,Ramsey theorem developed significantly with more and more excellent Mathematician work input.Although the Ramsey theorem is keep developing,the Ramsey theorem’s abstract applications became more and more widely used during the past century.



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