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Love, Friendship and Death ——On Saul Bellow’s Ravelstein


摘要:About the American writer Saul Bellow’s idea of the novel, Ravelstein, it has always been testified that Abe Ravelstein, the protagonist in this novel, represents Bellow’s best friend—Allan Bloom, the author of The Closing of the American Mind, and meanwhile, Chick, the old author, is a representative of Bellow himself. It is generally thought that the new novel written by Saul Bellow is actually a memoir instead of a novel to a large extent, and also the public constantly blame that Saul Bellow has off ended his friend because he has done some thing in betraying Bloom’s privacy. Of course, from Bellow’s past works, it is easy for us to see that his materials for creation are really drawn from his own life experience and many familiar people around him.As far as I am concerned, this is a novel and mostly a remembrance of a friend and his whole life, which is full of marvelous friendship, especially from the first half of the book, Saul Bellow has always been writing about the deep friendship between Ravelstein and Chick: they share writing experiences with each other, think together, discuss some problems about love, friendship and death together, have meals together, hang around and go shopping together, etc. For Ravelstein, that period of time meant a lot to him, ver y important and significant. The reason why Bellow wr ote this novel ins tead of a documentary memoir is that he didn’t want to write a personal article or academic memories, but to gain a greater freedom to write an elegy as a kind of disappeared thought patterns.



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