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A Corpus-based Study of The vocabulary collocation in Adult EFL Learners’Writing


摘要:1.The research problem(1)Solve collocation problem.According to the idiom principle,the words in the natural language have the influence of each other.However,Chinese learners often don’t consider the principle of idioms of English,only according to the concept of vocabulary and grammatical compilation of sentences,resulting in a lot of Chinese and English collocation.Collusion errors in the CLEC in the sixth language error rate,accounting for 4.06%of all language errors.For collocation problems,if teachers directly correct,often can’t cause students’interest.The probability of repeated mistakes is still high.In order to improve their target language processing depth,and eliminate their false assumptions,teachers can find a typical match,and asked them to use the English language learners’corpus out of the law and correction,but also in the classroom through a collective discussion summed up the rules.This data-driven learning model can cultivate independent learning habits,and improve learning outcomes.



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