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The development of Chinese films under the influence of antagonism between long take and montage theory

作者:Lin; Yachinesefilmsantagonismlongtakeandmontage

摘要:These elements form a complicated with creative montage system and the combination of long take practices and montage system achieving a notable effect. Montage has changed gradually as the development of the practice of film. Meanwhile, although completing a good shooting sequence or a good film is influenced by the film theories and style of shooting, these also are influenced by cultural and political background and history of different countries. In addition, according to the analyses and discussions of shooting techniques, reading the practices of montage and long take in details, we can find that the antithesis between the formalistic and the realistic are not obvious in—Chinese cinema of the last thirty years. Chinese commercial films of this period have demonstrated a strong inclination towards montage techniques while resorting to long-take visual strategies in some cases.



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