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The Efficiency of Different Questioning on Teacher-Student Interactions in EFL Classroom

作者:Wenxiao; Lidifferentquestioningeflclassroom

摘要:It is admit ted that teacher-student interaction plays a significant role in improving teaching quality and triggering students’int erests in an EFL class.Ac cording t o L ong and Sa to(1983),the mos t appe aling appr oach t o start a teacher-student interaction is questioning.In terms of China,questioning is used e ven mor e fr equently than in o ther parts of the world(Zheng,1997).Under this cir cumstance,I conducted a secondary classroom-research with the r egard of the questioning,To be more specific,I intends to study the efficiency of question type on t eacher-student interactions in EFL classrooms and draw a conclusion through analyzing students’responses to different types of questioning.



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