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Brief Analysis on Narrative Function and Presentation Form of Song and Dance Clips in Indian Films

作者:Wang; Xinindianfilmssonganddanceclipsnarrativefunctionpresentationform

摘要:When it comes to India movies, many audiences will be deeply attracted or even vividly remembered by the created magnificent atmosphere and various ethnic characteristics mixed in the film clips. When it comes to ethnic flavor, in addition to the ethnic trappings of India, the most representative is the joyful and excited song and dance clips in the movie. These clips not only highlight the characteristics of the India film, which is helpf ul to express the mood of t he role in that time, but also helps to enhance the visuality of the films. This paper will take the song and dance clips in Indian films as research objects, combining the influential India movies at home and abroad in recent years to study the narrative function and presentation forms of them.



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