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A Historical View on Translation Theory and Practice in China


摘要:Chinese translation has a long history with almost 3000 years. Chines e recorded trans lation his tory s tarts in Zhou Dynasty (1100 BC) and it came to its first peak during Han Dynasty (2-3th century) of Buddhist scripture translation from Sanskrit to Chinese, which forms the mainstream of Chinese traditional translation in the following several hundreds years until 9th century. With the entry of western culture, China started technical translation during Ming and Qing Dynasty (17 -19th century), and was followed by the translation of social science and literature in the late 19 century, which opened a new view of translation practice and theory in Chinese translation history. With the success of Russian October Revolution, China begun to bring the Marxism into China and many Marxism translation were produced at the early 20 century, and at the same time more western works of social science and literature were translated. The translators formed their own translation theory, of which some were the development of Yan Fu's three-principle criteria and some disagreed with Yan Fu. After the establishment of Republic of China, Chinese translation theory came to its prosperous time and appeared more theories.



《校园英语》(CN:13-1298/G4)是一本有较高学术价值的大型周刊,自创刊以来,选题新奇而不失报道广度,服务大众而不失理论高度。颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《校园英语》根据学校英语教学和广大英语教师的实际需要,旨在给英语教学一线的老师和教研人员提供一个优质的经验交流平台,促进英语教学水平的提高。是针对初学者而完成的。一本好书不是看它有多难,而是看它是否具有实用价值。
