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Judaism and Christianity in Conflict-and Conversation

作者:DENG; Songwangreligionjudaismchristianityconflictandconversation

摘要:The state of Israel was seen as the central of the world for a long time and Judaism was the one of the main religion in Israel; Euramerican developed countries had great influence on the modernization and Christianity had the biggest population of all the western countries. Our understanding and comprehension of religion in the western countries nowadays usually derives in large measure from the close, sophisticated,conflicted relationship between the two great biblical traditions of ancient times: Judaism and Christianity. This paper will mainly focus on the “ parting of the ways” and differences between believers in Christian and the mainstream of the Jews, the unstable but constant reciprocity of Jews and Christians during the middle ages, and disputation that nearly brought Jewish life in the western countries to an end. I will discuss, explore, and analyze three necessary themes that influenced both Judaism and Christianity—The Disputation of Barcelona, the main events that characterized the conflict and conversation relationships between Judaism and Christianity, and Adversus Judaeos and Augustine of Hippo (354-430).



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