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An Analysis of Features of English Lyrics from the Perspective of Cohesion

作者:Zhang; Jingjingenglishlyricsgrammaticalcohesionreferencesubstitutionellipsisconjunction

摘要:Lyrics are a kind of art form,which consists of quite many language features.Some researches have been carried out on English lyrics from the perspective of stylistics,aesthetics,rhetoric and so on.But this thesis will work on features of English lyrics with grammatical cohesion device.With examples and illustrations,this thesis finds out that grammatical cohesion makes the structure of lyrics concise,compact and clear,and help to express emotions of singers.By the analysis of grammatical cohesion in English lyrics,the appreciators can dig deep into the lyrics and be able to better understand the theme of an English song,and can draw an analogy with the understanding of other kinds of English texts.



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