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Para-CR Structures of Codimension 2 on Tangent Bundles in Riemann–Finsler Geometry

作者:Mircea; CRASMAREANU; Laurian-Ioan; PIS...finsler几何结构分布黎曼流形切丛余维cr旗曲率相关方

摘要:We determine a 2-codimensional para-CR structure on the slit tangent bundle T0 M of a Finsler manifold(M,F) by imposing a condition regarding the almost paracomplex structure P associated to F when restricted to the structural distribution of a framed para-f-structure.This condition is satisfied when(M,F) is of scalar flag curvature(particularly constant) or if the Riemannian manifold(M,g) is of constant curvature.



