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Hypersurfaces with Isotropic Para-Blaschke Tensor

作者:Jian; Bo; FANG; Kun; ZHANG各向同性超曲面张量第二基本形式单位球面变换群对称流形

摘要:Let Mnbe an n-dimensional submanifold without umbilical points in the(n + 1)-dimensional unit sphere Sn+1.Four basic invariants of Mnunder the Moebius transformation group of Sn+1are a 1-form Φ called moebius form,a symmetric(0,2) tensor A called Blaschke tensor,a symmetric(0,2) tensor B called Moebius second fundamental form and a positive definite(0,2) tensor g called Moebius metric.A symmetric(0,2) tensor D = A + μB called para-Blaschke tensor,where μ is constant,is also an Moebius invariant.We call the para-Blaschke tensor is isotropic if there exists a function λ such that D = λg.One of the basic questions in Moebius geometry is to classify the hypersurfaces with isotropic para-Blaschke tensor.When λ is not constant,all hypersurfaces with isotropic para-Blaschke tensor are explicitly expressed in this paper.



