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Traveling Waves for Nonlocal and Non-monotone Delayed Reaction-diffusion Equations

作者:Zhi; Ting; XU; Pei; Xuan; WENG反应扩散方程非单调行波非局部解的存在性时滞辅助方程渐近行为

摘要:We study the existence of traveling wave solutions for a nonlocal and non-monotone delayed reaction-difusion equation.Based on the construction of two associated auxiliary reaction difusion equations with monotonicity and by using the traveling wavefronts of the auxiliary equations,the existence of the positive traveling wave solutions for c≥c is obtained.Also,the exponential asymptotic behavior in the negative infnity was established.Moreover,we apply our results to some reactiondifusion equations with spatio-temporal delay to obtain the existence of traveling waves.These results cover,complement and/or improve some existing ones in the literature.



