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A Note on Multitype Branching Process with Bounded Immigration in Random Environment

作者:Hua; Ming; WANG随机环境分枝过程移民注记多维随机游走再生过程尾概率

摘要:In this paper, we study the total number of progeny, W, before regenerating of multitype branching process with immigration in random environment. We show that the tail probability of |W| is of order t-κ as t→∞, with κ some constant. As an application, we prove a stable law for (L-1) random walk in random environment, generalizing the stable law for the nearest random walk in random environment (see 'Kesten, Kozlov, Spitzer: A limit law for random walk in a random environment. Compositio Math., 30, 145-168 (1975)').



