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Three-space Problems for the Bounded Compact Approximation Property

作者:Dong; Yang; CHEN; Ben; Tuo; ZHENG闭子空间逼近性质紧凑型banach空间运营商共轭余维阶数

摘要:In this paper, the notion of the bounded compact approximation property (BCAP) of a pair [Banach space and its subspace] is used to prove that if X is a closed subspace of L∞ with the BCAP, then L∞/X has the BCAP. We also show that X* has the λ-BCAP with conjugate operators if and only if the pair (X, Y) has the λ-BCAP for each finite codimensional subspace Y∈X. Let M be a closed subspace of X such that M⊥ is complemented in X*. If X has the (bounded) approximation property of order p, then M has the (bounded) approximation property of order p.



