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Homoclinic Bifurcations in Symmetric Unfoldings of a Singularity with Three-fold Zero Eigenvalue


摘要:In this paper we study the singularity at the origin with three-fold zero eigenvalue forsymmetric vector fields with nilpotent linear part and 3-jet C^∞-equivalent to y δ/δx+zδ/δy+ax^2yδ/δz with a≠0. We first obtain several subfamilies of the symmetric versal unfoldings of this singularityby using the normal form and blow-up methods under some conditions, and derive the local and global bifurcation behavior, then prove analytically the existence of the Sil'nikov homoclinic bifurcation for some subfamilies of the symmetric versal unfoldings of this singularity, by using the generalized Mel'nikov methods of a homoclinic orbit to a hyperbolic or non-hyperbolic equilibrium in a highdimensional space.



