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Unit 2 Life in the Arctic Part3 The polar bear


摘要:教学目标:Language skill objectives:With the help of video and pictures, pupils can understand the chant and read it correctly, clearly and emotionally;2. Pupils can write a story about the polar bear according to the key words and sentences;Language knowledge objectives:1. Pupils get to know something about the polar bear with the help of video and describe the polar bear;2. Pupils recognize the names:the polar bear, the arctic hare, seal;3. Pupils can use the sentences in the chant to write a story about the polar bear and describe other arctic animals with the help pictures.



《小说月刊》(CN:22-1175/I)是一本有较高学术价值的月刊,自创刊以来,选题新奇而不失报道广度,服务大众而不失理论高度。颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《小说月刊》是当时全国最畅销的杂志之一,十几年后的今天,它又顺应了当前形式,引进私企资金,重新打造最有“才情”及“趣味”小说市场,是一个新的挑战,它永远引领小说市场的发展,让小说与通俗故事结为一体,吸引更多的读者。
