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Institutional Correction of Mediation under the View of Transformation:Taking the People's Mediation as an Example

作者:Li; Ao; Jin; Shenmediationmediationtransformationcorrectionimprovement

摘要:Under the dual driven forces of soaring disputes and national policy,the dispute resolution ecosystem of China showed the mediation centralism,and the revival of mediation presented the characteristics of adversary system.In order to comply with the modern rule of law system,the traditional mediation is incorporated into the modern legal system through the three-level transformation of"discipline of laws","introduction of procedures"and"specialized cultivation",which was promoted by the popularity of social governance,the input of the idea of diversified solutions and the pragmatic impetus under the pressure of social transformation.The mediation movement has the characteristics of both consciousness of pragmatism and the initial legalization,but will also face the mediation disorder.The remodeling of mediation must be rooted in systematization and modernization.Its development trend includes expansion of fields,symbiosis of autonomy and specialization,and mandatory introduction.



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