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Review of Marxist Political Party Theory Innovation Over the 70 Years Since the Establishment of PRC

作者:Meng; Pengfei70yearssincetheestablishmentofnewchinamarxistpoliticalpartytheoryprogresscharacteristics

摘要:since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China,the central leader-groups from generation to generation have been continuously exploring and innovating Marxist political party theory in terms of its value target,ideological construction,working style,and organization developments.This process can be categorized into five stages:the founding stage in Mao Zedong’s era,the development stage in Deng Xiaoping’s ear,the promotion stage in Jiang Zemin’s times,the deepening stage under Hu Jintao’s leadership,and the stage of further innovation by Xi Jinping in the new era,with the characteristics of inheritance,development as well as scientificity and valuation.



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