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Ways for Ecological Cultural Construction in Colleges and Universities

作者:Wang; Dan; Shao; Yijiangnaturalhistoryeducationharmonybetweenmanandnatureecologicalawarenessculture

摘要:The steady and sound development of colleges and universities cannot go without the adoption of ecological thinking.However,the current construction of campus culture is disrupted by such prominent problems as insular ecological ethics,utilitarian talent cultivation pattern,poor academic atmosphere and distortion of values,hindering the rapid development of colleges and universities.Integrating the concept of ecological culture into the construction of campus culture and turning it into the mainstream culture serve as effective pathways to solve these problems and realize their mission of inheriting and passing on civilization.Advocating the harmony between man and nature,Natural History education is in line with ecological development concept and is an integral part of education on ecological pro-gress.The integration of Natural History education into the traditional education system in institutions of higher learning is conducive to educational diversity,cultivation of ecological awareness among students and transmission of socialist core values.College ecological culture can be better cultivated by establishing Natural History clubs,opening Natural History courses,carrying out ecological ethic education and implementing cultural communication on schools within the community.



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